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Welcome to the 2023-2024 season of Elite Sapphires Dance Company! We are thrilled to have you be a part of our majorette dance team. Elite Sapphires Dance Company (ESDC) is a nonprofit organization located in the greater Las Vegas, Nevada area. The ESDC team seeks to provide artistic opportunities to young girls starting 6th grade to 12th grade. At ESDC, we strongly desire to service historically disadvantaged youth by imparting a spirit of excellence, empowering confidence and integrity and providing educational resources for every young person regardless of income, race, color, creed, religion and economic background. We provide a positive outlet and safe haven for those who may not otherwise have one.

As a participant of ESDC, we encourage you to read through this handbook and follow the expectations and rules set forth within it. Please note that at the end of the handbook there are a few documents that will need to be signed and returned upon your decision to join Elite Sapphires Dance Company.

Elite Sapphire Dance Company



Liabilities Release
Social Media Release
Intellectual Properties Agreement
Student/Parent Agreement

New Member Probation

All new ESDC members must go through a mandatory 30-day probationary period. A new member is anyone who has never been a member of ESDC for a season. During this time, you will be required to attend any and all events, to include scheduled practices, competitions, fundraisers, promotional outreach, etc. If there is any reason that any new member is unable to attend an event, practice, etc; this will need to be communicated with the ESDC staff in writing
1-2 weeks prior. During this time, we will be observing you to be sure you will be a productive member to ESDC. We will pay close attention to your dedication, timeliness, attitude, financial responsibility, etc. As a result of our observations, adjustments to your team status may be implemented. Variations to the probation period are at the discretion of the coaches/director.
*Please note, new member probation is different from demerit probation. *

Season Commitment

ESDC has a conditioning season which lasts from June to August and a competitive season from September to May. We highly encourage all members to fully engage in both the competitive and conditioning seasons. We understand that this is a major commitment for both the members and parents. Please be aware that this is also a major time commitment for ESDC staff as well. To help make this commitment easier on all, please make sure to keep open lines of communication with the ESDC staff. If for any reason you were to leave before the end of said period time frame, we ask for a months’ notice. Within this last month, we ask that you fulfill your commitment by attending any competitions in the last month.

Practice Schedule

  • Thursdays 2pm- 5pm
  • Saturdays 10am – 1pm
  • Any extra practice days ESDC will give notice in advance.

Plan on attending every practice! This is important, especially during the competitive season. All members are allowed to miss up to 2 practices within a quarter, which must be communicated with the ESDC staff prior to the absence. If more than 2 practices are missed with or without notice, there will be demerit points given. We do understand that emergencies happen and take place. If you have to miss a practice due to a medical or family emergency, please reach out to us immediately at Please submit proof of the emergency if the absence is due to a medical emergency. We are willing to work with all members, but communication with the ESDC staff is key!!


A seasonal schedule is created and passed out amongst participating members and parents as a reference point. The schedule may come out in two parts, the fall section and the spring section. This schedule is to give advance notice of what the season will look like and is an agreement of involvement. ESDC averages about 2-3 performances a season. Attendance to all events is mandatory unless otherwise communicated with ESDC staff in advance. With all scheduled events, advance notice will be given to address the attire for the event and also a parent volunteer sheet for bringing necessary items, such as snacks, water, extra hair accessories, etc. Any changes to the schedule throughout the season will be communicated immediately to all members and their parents.

Attendance Policy

The policy regarding attendance is an important aspect of any educational or professional setting. Attendance is crucial in ensuring that individuals are present to learn and contribute to the overall success of the group. Therefore, it is important that individuals understand the expectations and consequences associated with attendance. This policy typically outlines the required attendance for classes or meetings, as well as any excused absences and procedures for informing the appropriate parties. It may also include information on tardiness and how it will be addressed. Clear and consistent communication of the attendance policy is essential to promote accountability and ensure that everyone is on the same page. All members are allowed to miss up to 2 practices, which must be communicated with the ESDC staff prior to the absence. If more than 2 practices are missed with or without notice, there will be demerit points given. Practices missed outside of the allowance and not previously arranged with coaching staff will result in termination.

Pre-Performance Cuts

Before each performance, cuts are conducted to determine the specific dance and placement for each dancer. The ESDC staff is responsible for deciding the results of these cuts and dance placements. The ultimate objective is to ensure that every student is placed in dances that complement their skill

Dress Code & Attire

The proper attire is expected to be worn to every practice and event. If for some reason there is an emergency, please call/email ahead of time to inform staff. Not being in uniform will result in a demerit and conditioning. For costs of practice and competition attire please see the fee schedule under the Finance section.


Our studio rules apply to everyone entering the studio. We also try to limit the number of nondancer bodies in the studio.

  • No parents in the studio
  • No family members or friends in the studio No colored drinks in the studio
  • No drinks without lids
  • No food in the studio
  • No cursing in the studio
  • No fighting at the studio
  • No gum on the studio floor
  • Student Instruction
  • No being out of dress code
  • Cell phones are silent and turned on silent.
  • Tennis shoes are required at EVERY practice
  • No disrespecting staff
  • No disrespecting peers
  • If you will be late/miss practice, you must send an email to
  • If you will miss a performance, it must be communicated a WEEK before said date. No call,
    no show is grounds for being benched from the next performance or termination.
  • Nail extensions are allowed with pre-approved colors.
  • Bag checks are done, at minimum, the week before said date of the competition.

*No bag for checks will result in no sign-off for dancing and a possible demerit.*


Our motto is “We win and lose as a team” and highly encourage team work/unity.
Group workouts are to be expected.
No individual breaks with the exception of medical needs.
1st infraction is drops (workout) of select coach’s choice.
2nd infraction is a call to parent with continued drops (workout)
3rd infraction is sitting out for a time frame or sent home for the day.
Major incidents can result in being benched. Any incidents occurring at a performance follow
day to day protocol, but all incidents have the potential for immediate benching for the day.
Not to exceed 12 points in a calendar year.
Demerits are not permament and can be worked off.


Each member is responsible for providing the funds needed for events, uniforms, travel, etc. Uniforms must be paid for before purchased. Fundraisers may be planned and scheduled by the parents/PSG and participation may be mandatory. Scholarships are available at this time.


Tuition is currently running at the rate of $150 a month. It is due on the 15th of every month. Any exceptions are to be handled with business manager Denisha. If no arrangements are made with her, late fees will be applied to your account. Dancers with fees sitting on their account are not eligible to dance at the performance(s) during this period. If any changes are to be applied midseason, you will receive a minimum of a month’s notice.


ESDC provides two kinds of Tuition funding. The first is an Academic-based scholarship awarded to students who have shown exceptional academic performance in their studies. These scholarships are often highly competitive and require students to have high grades, test scores, and other academic achievements. Need based scholarships, on the other hand, are awarded to students who demonstrate financial need. These scholarships are often awarded based on a student’s family income, and they can help to cover the cost of tuition, uniform fees and other expenses associated with attending ESDC.

Copyright © 2024 Elite Sapphires Dance Company

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